Monday, May 26, 2014

All About Me Monday: Week 2

I thought I could take some time each Monday and tell all of you something about myself. When I run out of things to tell you about myself I'll move on to someone else. Though we don't have to worry about that for a long time as I am one interesting & awesome person!

This week we I'm going to tell you about Plants and my green thumb. I love having Plants around our apartment. It makes me feel more at home and closer to my family because we always had Plants around the house growing up. I do not in fact have a green thumb despite what I like to tell myself. I have killed Plants before so I try a lot harder this time around to keep them alive! I also name all of my Plants! They all have names and no some of them aren't very clever. Here are my Plants:

Cucuy (Q-ki) & Mater
Billy Bob, Bambi, Petunia & Fern

I've always wanted to grow vegetables and this year I'm actually doing it or at least trying to. I just gave my Cucumber & Tomato Plants names tonight. Cucuy pronounced as Q-Ki for the Cucumber Plant and Mater for the Tomato Plant. As I told you before I'm not very clever with the names. I try to be clever but I don't think it comes across that way. Neither Babe nor I are quite sure what type of Plant Fern is other than it isn't a Fern. Then there's Billy Bob he's a palm tree and he's a baby from my favorite Plant Bob who my Dad got before I was born. If I had the room I would have Bob too but he's pretty big. Bambi is my Bamboo Plant which I am lucky to be alive because my Mom/sister knocked it over on accident and nearly killed it. Lily & Petunia are Bromelaids that I recently got to add more color to our collection. I also have two other Plants but they are outside & they don't have names. My Dad named our Plants when I was growing up and now I do it too. 

At my Mom's house I have a Christmas Cactus named Carl, another Plant that I call Harold the Not-So-Hosta (it isn't a Hosta but that's what it looks like to me), another Palm Tree named Robertaleto. First I named in Roberto then changed it to Roberta when it flowered and then to Robertaleto when I decided it didn't have to have a Girl's name just because it flowered. I also had an Aloe plant named Al but I don't think it is still alive. I hope to one day have all of my Plants with me. 

I can't wait to add more plants to our collection and name them too!!

Do you name your Plants?

Until Next Time! Stay Beautiful :)
**All Pictures are Mine**

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