Monday, October 27, 2014

Summer Recap Continued

The rest of July was spent inside fighting off some sickness. It made for a terrible two weeks. Eventually I was able to return normal. Sam normal anyways! 

The complex we live in has a pool. Every Summer I say I'm going to go swimming everyday or at least to try and go more often than I did last year. I even made Tuesdays Swimming Day but like most resolutions I make I don't end up sticking to. It worked for the first Tuesday and then several of the following Tuesday weren't very good weather. I'm one of those if-I-miss-one-week-I'm-done people. Also the screaming children often deters me from wanting to go swimming!  

In the middle of August Babe & I attended Henry Buggins' (Bernie's Dog) 2nd Birthday Party. Bernie threw him a Birthday Party last year and I wasn't able to attend. This year I was able to and I had a good time! Plus I got to take pictures and mess around with the filters on my camera & we all know I love doing that! 

 These are my favorite pictures of Henry from the party in the Punk filter on my camera! Henry wasn't the only dog there. Bernie's Mom and someone else brought their dogs.

 Overall I had a really great time at the party and look forward to next year's party! 

August also holds one of my favorite events of the Year!! The New York State Fair! I've gone nearly every year since I was little. For a number of years I lived within walking distance of the New York State Fairgrounds. We could here the concerts from our windows! Despite how much I love attending the New York State Fair I didn't go this year! I waited too long to make plans, didn't have enough money to splurge on what I usually splurge on and my anxiety made me acutely aware that I might be a burden to whoever I went to the fair with! 

My mom & my sister went to the Fair & took pictures of the Sand Sculpture for me! This year's Sand Sculpture was a Dr. Seuss inspired Sculpture. It had Horton Hears A Who, One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish, Yertle the Turtle, Cat in the Hat, The Lorax and several other Dr. Seuss characters and a few quotes in it! Definitely one of my favorite Sculptures so far! They also saw the Butter Sculpture but forgot to take a picture of it.

My Dad also went to the Fair this year & he stopped at the New York State Lottery Building for me. Each year they have a new lottery ticket at the State Fair and when you buy it you can get a Squishy (like a stress ball) and enter to win stuff such as more lottery tickets, more squishies, NYS Lottery Merchandise and more. The Squishy is different every year and I collect them! One year if was Horse. Another year it was a Duck (I have this one). The year after that (2012 I think) it was Fish and you had a few different ones to choose from! I had a few of the fish but I made the mistake of giving one to Henry and he tore it up. Last year the Squishy was a blue dice or a red dice. I have both! The Squishy for 2014 was sports: Hockey Puck, Football, Basketball and maybe a Baseball. The Baseball is the only one I don't have! 

The point of my Rant is that I LOVE the New York State Fair and I am so excited for next year! I WILL attend regardless of my anxiety, financial status and whether or not I have plans! Also a shout out to my Awesome Family who made me feel like I was at the Fair even though I wasn't there! 

Nothing much to be said about the rest of Summer. Mostly just me trying to come to terms with the fact that the weather was more Fall weather than Summer weather and the days where I could wear shorts became far & few! The complex ended up closing our pool nearly a week early which really sucked when the weather got hot again! 

What did you do this Summer?

Until Next Time! Stay Beautiful :)
**All Pictures are Mine**

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